Marokko: Dr. iur. Christian Steiner (Casablanca)

CBBL Partner Practice Group Arbitration

Rechtsanwalt (Berlin) & Abogado (Spain), CBBL-Partnerkanzlei Marokko

CV German


Until 1998: Law school at the universities of Göttingen, Granada, Freiburg im Breisgau
1999: 1st State Exam (Baden-Württemberg)
Until 2001: Legal clerkship and 2nd State Exam (Baden-Württemberg)
PhD at the universities of Kiel and Frankfurt am Main, 2009

Bar Admissions

Rechtsanwalt, Berlin (2004) [German solicitor]
Abogado, Sevilla, Spanien (2005) [Spanish solicitor]

Professional Memberships

German-Moroccan Chamber of Commerce
Honorary Member of the Colombian Association for Constitutional Procedural Law
fOrum Sevilla. Association of German-speaking entrepreneurs in Seville

Current Position

Ule & Steiner SLP, Partner
MIDEAST | Law international legal practice, Managing Partner
Associate Professor of Law
Rule of Law Consultant

Professional Experience

7/2019: Founding Partner of Ule Steiner SLP
Since 2016: MIDEAST | Law international legal practice, Managing Partner
Since 2018: Associate Professor of Law, University Pablo Olavide
2017: Consultant, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - Global Programme for Promoting a Culture of Lawfulness
2017/2018: Consultant, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Rule of Law Programme, Regional Conferences in Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Europe on Judicial Independence
2009-2019: Director, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Rule of Law Program for Latin America (based in Mexico-City and Bogotá)
2007-2009: Founding Partner of MSP Legal Advisors
2005-2007: Associate Attorney at Bores & Cia Abogados
2005-2007: Consultant, High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2004: Legal officer, Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2001-2003: Legal advisor, Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
1999-2000: Legal clerk at civil, criminal and administrative courts, public prosecutor and law firms
1999-2000: Research assistant, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law

Arbitration Experience

Legal counsel in various arbitration cases.
Drafting of statutes and rules of the Andalusian-North Moroccan Arbitration Center


Steiner, Christian, Country Report Morocco, in: Salger/Trittmann (eds.), Internationale Schiedsverfahren (International Arbitration), C.H. Beck, 2019.

Short publications on the MENA-Region (German)

Steiner, Christian/Fuchs, Marie-Christine (eds.), Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos. Comentada (Annotations on the American Convention on Human Rights), 2nd. updated edition, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2019.

Steiner, Christian, Friedenskonsolidierung durch Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Bosnien und Herzegowina. Lehren aus einem Versuchslabor der Internationalen Gemeinschaft (Peace building through constitutional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina), Schriftenreihe der Europäischen

Akademie Bozen, Bereich "Ethnische Minderheiten und regionale Autonomien“, Germany, 2015.

Steiner, C./Ademovic, N. (authors and eds.), The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegowina.

Commentary, Sarajevo 2010 (also published in Bosnian/Serbo-Croat and German), .

Complete list available at


German (mother tongue), Italian (mother tongue, colloquial level), Spanish (fluent spoken and written), English (fluent spoken and written), French (advanced), Serbo-Croat/Bosnian (basics), Arabic (A1-1)

Dr. iur. Christian Steiner, Rechtsanwalt (Berlin) & Abogado (Spain)
Tel. +34 955 314 614

CBBL Rechtsanwalt und Abogado Dr. Christian Steiner, Kanzlei MIDEAST | Law, Casablanca

Dr. Christian Steiner
Rechtsanwalt und Abogado


17 rue El Bouhtouri

Quartier Gauthier
20060 Casablanca

Tel. +212 - 648 120 763
Fax +49 - 3222 - 6473 405